History, Vision & Mission
The Natural Capital Coalition is a unique global multi-stakeholder collaboration that brings together leading global initiatives and organizations to harmonize approaches to natural capital.
Our Vision
A world that conserves and enhance natural capital
Our Mission
• To harmonize approaches to natural capital, getting solutions to scale quickly.
• To promote a shift in behaviour that enhances rather than depletes natural capital.
• To support the evolution of an enabling environment that both aids natural capital thinking and integrates it into other initiatives.
Our theory of change
No individual organization will solve the enormous problems we face by itself, and it is only by working together that we will find the solutions we need.
The Coalition is made up of organizations from research, science, academia, business, advisory, membership, accountancy, reporting, standard setting, finance, investment, policy, government, conservation and civil society. These organizations have united under a common vision of a world where business conserves and enhances natural capital. The Coalition’s strength comes from this diversity, and from a shared belief that more can achieved together than alone.